Welcome To Your New (Draft) Web Site

Here is the proposal for your new, responsive web site. Nothing is finalized yet (as you’ll quickly see from the ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text everywhere), but this should give you a feel for the look and layout I am proposing for your new site. I would like your feedback before I move too much further along in the design.


I am proposing we keep it simple. There’s just the slightest “off-white” to the white background of the home page; the green in the site’s title and footer (the area at the bottom of the site) directly echoes the green in Saving Daylight.




For each title (example: Saving Daylight or The Dark Opens) I am proposing a 3-column layout when viewed from a large-screen device (like a desktop or large tablet), with a quote at the top, spanning all columns. The first column will include the cover and publishing details, the second will include a description of the book, praise and links to reviews, and the third column will include links to purchase the book and, if relevant, to the publisher’s website.



Test it out! If you change the width of your browser, you can see how your site will look on a browser, a tablet and — at the smallest width — a mobile phone.

The site is coded to change formats based on what device it is being viewed on.